Gabriel Méndez S.
Lawyer I Partner
In complex regulatory environments such as those in which we nowadays live, it is key to be able to have a good comprehension of the context in which our clients move. Our expertise and capabilities can significantly contribute to strengthening their strategic planning, their good practices in terms of corporate governance, and their liaisons with stakeholders, to enhance their social-environmental legitimacy and suitable risk management.
- gabriel.mendez@aylwin.cl
- (+56 2) 22 281 248

Gabriel Méndez
Lawyer I Partner
In complex regulatory environments such as those in which we nowadays live, it is key to be able to have a good comprehension of the context in which our clients move. Our expertise and capabilities can significantly contribute to strengthening their strategic planning, their good practices in terms of corporate governance, and their liaisons with stakeholders, to enhance their social-environmental legitimacy and suitable risk management.
- gabriel.mendez@aylwinycia.cl
- (+56 2) 22 281 248
Gabriel has led teams in the Public and private sectors. For almost a decade, he performed as legal counsel and upper executive at the National Institute for the Youth [Instituto Nacional de la Juventud], at the Ministry of Health, and then at the National Energy Board. As an advisor to the Minister of Energy, he oversaw the implementation of a new institutionality for the industry, which considered the new ministry, the National Energy Board, the Superintendency, and the entities linked to renewable energies and energy efficiency. He then advised private companies in crisis strategy and management, public policy, sectoral regulation, ESG criteria, environmental compliance, liaisons with stakeholders, and legislative follow-up. For six years he held the post of Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability at Empresa Nacional del Petróleo [ENAP]
Graduate in Juridical and Social Sciences from the Law School of Universidad de Chile, he also has an MBA from Universidad Alberto Hurtado, a MALS from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, and a Certificate in Organizational change leadership from Marquette University. He has taken part in Business Sustainability Management courses at Cambridge University, courses in negotiation development at the Harvard Negotiation Project, and CMI International, and courses in public policy at Flacso and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Gabriel was awarded a scholarship for the program International Visitor Leadership of the U.S. State Department and has participated as a teacher in the course on Strategic Leadership in Health, CSR, and Corporate Governance of the MBA with Health Specialization offered by Universidad Andrés Bello, and in the course of the energy matrix and natural resources of the master’s in environmental management of Universidad Arturo Prat.